A Knowledge Organiser is a summary of all of the key information that the students require for each of their subjects for the year. It has been put together in collaboration with all of the schools within the trust, and we are delighted to be able to give each student an individual copy. The Knowledge Organiser also teaches students how they can prepare effectively for upcoming assessments and remote learning activities. Tutors and subject staff will be spending time with the students over the next few weeks familiarising them with the content and showing them how to use them effectively.
The expectations around the Knowledge Organiser are similar to those of the Journal. They need to be present for every lesson; therefore, students need to ensure they are in their bags every day. Staff are asking students to place them on their tables at the start of every lesson where there will be an expectation that they use them to support their learning as they move through the curriculum.
As a parent, it will give you a summary insight into what your child will be studying throughout the year. We hope you will find this useful.